【同义词辨析】 2017-05-09 事情affair-thing

affair: suggests action or performance and may imply a process, an operation, a proceeding, an undertaking or a transaction: the resounding success of the whole ~.

business: stresses duty or office and implies an imposed task: quality is everyone's ~.

concern: suggests personal or direct relationship to something that has bearing on one's welfare, success, or interests: viewed the issue as of no ~ to them. (to have bearing on: 和...有关系,对...有影响: your credibility has bearing on your success信誉关系到成功)

matter: generally refers to something being considered or being dealt with: the one remaining ~ in dispute. (如what is the matter?什么事?)

thing: is often used when there is a desire to be vague or inexplicit: a promise to see the ~ through.

affair事务: 泛指行动表现(如过程操作进程行动作业),business职责: 强调职责(duty: 即义务责任obligation&responsibility)岗位(office), 有任务(task: 任务指具体的职责specific duty),concern关心的事: 有个人直接关系,和其福利成功利益相关,matter事情,主题: 泛指正在考虑正在处理的事,thing事情: 希望模糊不明确时使用

记忆方法: 1)首字母ABC MT: 想成母亲(MoTher)要做的三件(ABC)事情

         2)事情的意思是泛指所做所处理的事 mean in general terms something done or dealt with.